User Registration

Site Information

Site Name is required.

Personal Information

First name must contain only letters, spaces, and the following special characters: , - '
Enter a middle initial with a letter only.
Last name must contain only letters, spaces, and the following special characters: , - '
The email address is invalid.
Email addresses do not match.
Enter work phone number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format
Work Phone Number must be 10 numbers.
Work Phone Extension must be numbers only.

Employer Information

Employer Name must be alphanumeric characters only and may contain a space and the following special characters: , - ' . &
Job Title must contain only letters, spaces, and the following special characters: , - '
City must be letters only and may contain a space and the following special characters: , - ' # . /
State is required.

Security Information

  • The characters must be lowercase letters, numbers, or a combination.
  • The User ID must contain a minimum of 8 characters.
  • The User ID can contain a maximum of 128 characters.
  • The User ID cannot contain special characters, such as an asterisk or period.
User IDs do not match.
  • The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters.
  • The password can contain a maximum of 64 characters.
  • The password must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one of these special characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Passwords do not match.

Security Questions

Answer must contain at least 3 alphanumeric characters and may contain the following special characters: , ' . - &
Answer must contain at least 3 alphanumeric characters and may contain the following special characters: , ' . - &
Answer must contain at least 3 alphanumeric characters and may contain the following special characters: , ' . - &

Two-Factor Authentication Information

For additional security, the system will ask you to provide an access code each time you log into the Collaboration Tool. You can choose to receive the access code by voice call or text message.

To receive a text message, you must select your service provider. If you do not see your service provider in the list, please contact the Help Desk.

At the end of the registration process, the system will ask you to verify you successfully received the access code by the selected delivery method.

*Delivery Method

Enter phone number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format
Phone Number must be 10 numbers.
Service Provider is required.
Enter phone number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format
Phone Number must be 10 numbers.
Phone Extension must be numbers only.